
A woman from Hrodna travels to the Białystok region and visits places related to her ancestors. Axana Prus was born and grew up in Hrodna, where she obtained the proper education and became a choreographer, for many years she worked as a dance teacher. She had an abundance of work and she did not think about emigration. However, in her mind, she often moved to Podlachia.
To Go and Not Come back… Summary...
Who could imagine how the Belarusian authorities would react to people who were dissatisfied with the regime? Today everyone who does not agree with Lukashenka’s policy is put behind bars. The representatives of law enforcement were given permission to brutally handle people. There are already missing persons. In the first three parts of the documentary, we tried to familiarize the viewers with the victims, now we want to show the results of the investigations. Who will be responsible for the killings, how were investigations and court hearings conducted?