Ukraine claims 87,750 Russian military personnel are stationed at its border

Russia has stationed more than 87,750 servicemen along the Ukraine-Russia border in the annexed Crimea and in the occupied territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Volodymyr Yelchenko, the head of the Ukrainian representation in the UN, said at a meeting of the UN Security Council convened on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the signing of the set of measures to implement the Minsk agreements.

«Мазаічны» падыход Лукашэнкі да канфлікту на Данбасе. ТОП-10 цытатаў пра расейска-украінскую вайну
2019.01.15 06:00

“As of the beginning of February, the Russian armed forces in the Donbass had 496 battle tanks (similar to the arsenal of Germany, France or Indonesia), 938 armored vehicles (the arsenal of Peru and Kuwait), 128 multiple launch rocket systems (slightly less than in Indonesia), 776 artillery systems and self-propelled artillery (similar to the arsenal of Kazakhstan and Ethiopia),” said Yelchenko.

Earlier, the head of the Communications and Press Department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Aleksey Chernobay, said that Russia had deployed at least 28 battalion tactical groups near the Ukrainian border. They consist of contract soldiers and have modern weapons and equipment.

«У беларускіх афіцэраў адкрыта прарасейскія настроі». Былы спецназавец з в/ч 3214 ваюе за Украіну
2018.12.26 16:31,