Politician in exile Zyanon Paznyak said what to do in case of Russian occupation

The leader of the Conservative Christian Party (BPF) Zyanon Paznyak made a fiery speech at a rally to mark the Day of Military Glory. The event took place in New York, in front of the Russian representative office in the UN.

“If the armed forces of another state come to your territory, the Constitution and international law allow you to defend yourself with arms. We’re talking about Belarus being ready to defend its sovereignty, protect its independence,” said Paznyak.

Participants of the meeting came to the rally demanding for the Russian forces participating in the exercise “West 2017” to withdraw from the territory of Belarus. Zyanon Paznyak said that these maneuvers are the beginning of the occupation that has a hybrid nature. He called for armed resistance, if the army is not withdrawn and Belarus is occupied by Russia.

“If a foreign army enters your territory and there is no resistance, the international community cannot protect us, since we do not defend ourselves. When the Germans attacked Denmark, a small country with a small army, there was an order and the Danes resisted for two hours. They resisted, shot, several people were killed. But it was seen as resistance to the occupation. The whole world supported Denmark. It was the same with Kuwait, which resisted for 30 minutes, but it enabled the international community to intervene: America supported them, and Saddam Hussein was kicked out of Kuwait. That is why you always need to fight for freedom and independence,” said the politician.

The protest was attended by about 40 people.

Photo and video Belarusworld Baza