Life of political prisoner Mikhail Zhamchuzhny under threat after beatdown in colony

Human rights activists of the center “Viasna” have learned that Zhamchuzhny had been beaten in colony No. 9 in Horki.

According to human rights activists, on January 24, the political prisoner was left without protection and supervision in the corridor of the medical unit, where he was beaten by another convict who was wearing black glasses, knitted black gloves and a hat. Mikhail Zhamchuzhny was captured by the attacker’s left hand at the throat and received several blows to the head. At the same time, the attacker expressed the threat that, if he came across Zhamchuzhny in the colony, he would “cut him into threads.” The political prisoner filed a complaint with the Mahiliou region prosecutor’s office over the incident.

Human rights activists also report that on January 19, Zhamchuzhny was given three days of punitive confinement for the dust allegedly found in his cell. This is the 18th disciplinary penalty since Mikhail Zhamchuzhny was placed in colony No. 9 in Horki.

According to the political prisoner, the administration of the colony decided to change tactics, and now the penalties will be imposed not for refusals to go to the detachment formed from prisoners with “low status”, as it was during the last half-year, but for “violation of personal hygiene” — claims over the clothing, camera cleaning and the like.

Mikhail Zhamchuzhny has been actively appealing the penalties imposed on him. He sent a complaint to the Department of Execution of Penalties in the Mahiliou region on the charges imposed in September and October 2017.